Pregnancy and postpartum can be exciting and stressful. Many women experience a variety of physical and emotional concerns during this time. Often these women are left feeling lonely and isolated while those around them expect them to be filled with joy. Most commonly, these women tell us they are “not feeling like themselves” and are unsure of how to “get back” to where they once were. They may feel uncomfortable, overwhelmed, irritated or tired. These emotions can make it difficult for moms to enjoy and focus on developing their relationship with their baby and family. Whether pregnant with their first or their fifth child, each baby brings their own joy and transitions to a family. Our individual and group prenatal and postpartum services are here to help families navigate this enriching time.
Are you…
Worried and sometimes you are not sure why?
Exhausted, but find it hard to sleep?
Easily irritated or annoyed?
Finding it hard to connect or bond with your baby?
Coping with unplanned pregnancy?
Struggling to cope with a diagnosis (or possible diagnosis) your child may have?
Grieving the loss of a child?
If you can relate to any of these questions and are looking for support, please give us a call. We offer individual and group therapy options for pregnant and postpartum mothers.
Individual Therapy
No matter how excited parents may be about the birth of their child, emotional stress can occur during pregnancy. During pregnancy past or current issues can become immediate concerns. Some examples of issues include family or partner relationships, friendships, finances, body image, having a child with a disability, loss of a child, anxiety and/or depression. These difficulties may be present during pregnancy or following the birth of the child. Some parents find it helpful to talk with family and friends for advice or read self-help books and online articles. Others find this process to be overwhelming, as they are given a lot of information and still feel unsure of what to do. Individual Therapy allows you to meet one-on-one with a counselor and discuss your situation. Some people feel more comfortable meeting privately, than they do in a group setting.
Group Therapy
Who Knew I’d Be Blue?
10-Week Support Group for Pregnant and Postpartum Moms
Group meets in our Bakersfield office on Wednesdays from 10am-11:15am (temporary suspended)
This group is designed to provide practical advice, emotional support, and guidance as members work together to navigate pregnancy and life transitions as their families expand. Talking with other women who are facing similar challenges can reduce feelings of isolation and provide an opportunity for self-reflection and support.
Interested in joining our group?Call to be added to our group resuming notification list. Know someone that may benefit from our group? Send them to our website or download our flyer.
Session Topics:
In addition to the following themes, sessions include time to address the unique concerns and experiences of current group members.
Anxiety and Postpartum Depression
6-10% of pregnant and postpartum women experience anxiety or depression symptoms. For example, constant worry (often family related), feeling of dread, panic attacks, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, lack of energy, lack of appetite, feeling you will lose control, sadness, and difficulty sleeping and not feeling rested when you wake up (beyond what is expected for moms). Whether a mom is feeling one or more of these things, it can cause a lot of discomfort. Our group helps women to identify their symptoms and provides strategies to reduce or eliminate the negative impact.
Role Transitions
Culturally appropriate emotional support for mom as her family expands, and all members grow into new roles.
Finding Your Lost Self
The growth of a family comes with many expected and unexpected changes. Our group members may feel depleted, but work hard to pretend they are fine, when inside they are feeling lost. Our group members work together to redefine themselves so they can say, “I feel like myself again.”
Couple Communication and Intimacy
It is not uncommon for the physical and emotional stressors of pregnancy and childbirth to lead to a loss of physical and emotional intimacy among partners. At times, one or both partners may feel dissatisfied, a loss of self-worth, or any number of the things previously mentioned. We provide techniques and support to help moms reconnect with their partners, so that both partners receive the love and support they need.
Self-Care and Relaxation
Each pregnancy and post-partum period are different. In addition, the demands on moms varies from family to family. Moms are often in a phase of doing for others and may even feel guilty or selfish thinking about what they need or want. We provide opportunities for reflection and strategies for rejuvenation.
Prenatal and Postpartum Support Services
Are you…
Worried and sometimes you are not sure why?
Exhausted, but find it hard to sleep?
Easily irritated or annoyed?
Finding it hard to connect or bond with your baby?
Coping with unplanned pregnancy?
Struggling to cope with a diagnosis (or possible diagnosis) your child may have?
Grieving the loss of a child?
If you can relate to any of these questions and are looking for support, please give us a call. We offer individual and group therapy options for pregnant and postpartum mothers.
Individual Therapy
No matter how excited parents may be about the birth of their child, emotional stress can occur during pregnancy. During pregnancy past or current issues can become immediate concerns. Some examples of issues include family or partner relationships, friendships, finances, body image, having a child with a disability, loss of a child, anxiety and/or depression. These difficulties may be present during pregnancy or following the birth of the child. Some parents find it helpful to talk with family and friends for advice or read self-help books and online articles. Others find this process to be overwhelming, as they are given a lot of information and still feel unsure of what to do. Individual Therapy allows you to meet one-on-one with a counselor and discuss your situation. Some people feel more comfortable meeting privately, than they do in a group setting.
Group Therapy
Who Knew I’d Be Blue?
10-Week Support Group for Pregnant and Postpartum Moms
Facilitated by Nicole Brown, Psy.D. and Lizeth Lopez, Psy.D., LMFT
Group meets in our Bakersfield office on Wednesdays from 10am-11:15am (temporary suspended)

This group is designed to provide practical advice, emotional support, and guidance as members work together to navigate pregnancy and life transitions as their families expand. Talking with other women who are facing similar challenges can reduce feelings of isolation and provide an opportunity for self-reflection and support.
Interested in joining our group? Call to be added to our group resuming notification list.
Know someone that may benefit from our group? Send them to our website or download our flyer.
Session Topics:
In addition to the following themes, sessions include time to address the unique concerns and experiences of current group members.
Role Transitions
Finding Your Lost Self
Couple Communication and Intimacy
Self-Care and Relaxation