For general information and an overview of our program GO HERE.
Below are responses to questions that are frequently asked regarding our Butterfly Bootcamp program, including our group service options.
I see your program has multiple service options. However, my family is only interested in one of the options (e.g. group, one-on-one). Do we have to go through the same assessment process? Yes. Prior to beginning our program, we complete an initial screening and behavioral assessment across settings with the child and caregivers. This process is designed for your family to learn more about our program and express their goals; as well as for our staff to examine your child’s abilities (strengths and challenges), to develop a customized treatment plan. Based on our clinical evaluation, our plan includes recommendations on how to accomplish the goals that are collaboratively determined. This can include one or more of our Butterfly Bootcamp service options, depending on the unique combination of your child’s strengths, challenges, and goals.
This sounds like a great program, what is my next step? If you are a private pay client, contact our office to schedule an initial screening for Butterfly Bootcamp, our behavioral services program. If there is a mutual agreement that our agency is a good fit for your family’s needs, we can continue with the comprehensive behavioral assessment to develop your child’s Butterfly Bootcamp Support Plan. If you would like to use insurance, you will want to contact your insurance company regarding coverage. If you are new to this process, you may call our office for some general information that may be helpful. We encourage you to speak with your insurance company in advance of meeting with us, in the event your plan requires preauthorization for services.
How soon can my child start? Our behavioral assessment is conducted across settings, with the completion time averaging 2-3 weeks, resulting from the need to coordinate multiple schedules (e.g. caregiver, teacher, child, clinician). Provided the child is a good fit and there is availability, individual and group interventions generally begin 1-2 weeks following the completion of the behavioral assessment.
My family has tried several groups (e.g. social skills, adaptive behaviors) over the years, and my child is consistently placed in groups with children who are “lower functioning.â€Â How do I know that this will not be the case at your agency? We utilize our assessment to examine abilities and goals for potential participants. We find that some “functioning variability†in groups can be a positive motivation for change. However, too much variability is counterproductive for all parties involved. Our groups are tailored to meet the unique needs of “high-functioning†children and teens that often find it difficult to locate groups with similar functioning peers.
If my child is “high-functioning,†does that mean this group will be a good fit? The ultimate goal of our program is to help our participants learn how to make and maintain positive interactions and relationships that are needed to be successful in all areas of life (i.e. school, home, community). While we do not establish and maintain friendships with everyone we meet, the same is true for our children. The initial assessment serves as an opportunity to determine appropriateness based on group structure. The first 3 sessions of our group serve as a good assessment for peer group dynamics. It is of upmost importance to us that children and teens are placed in groups where they can be successful. We maintain communication with families to determine if another group at our agency or an outside agency may be a more appropriate fit.
I am looking for a group where my child will get to interact with children with their same diagnosis. Is this the case with your group? Our groups are designed to place children and teens based on their age, ability, and social skills goals. As diagnoses present differently among individuals, we do not use this as a basis for group placement. There may be children with a psychological diagnosis and others with a medical condition, and still others with neither. The commonality in age, ability, interpersonal skills, and social goals, is what we use to place children and teens in groups.
My child has ______ (ADHD, social awkwardness, medical condition, etc.) and does not have an Autism Spectrum Disorder. All of the groups I find are for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Is this is the same with your agency? Our groups are for children and teens with skills deficits. We do not place individuals in groups based on diagnosis (see question above), but rather based on abilities and complementary Butterfly Bootcamp Plan goals. Therefore, our groups can have children with a variety of psychological and/or medical conditions. Members of our groups are considered “high-functioning.†They often have a unique struggle, in that many adults and peers do not understand “at first glance†that they have a problem. Therefore, others tend to place high and unattainable social expectations on them, causing frustration to both parties.
Do the children/teens in your groups all have the same program goals? No. Their goals do not have to be the same to be in the same group. However, if the goals are not the same, they are complimentary. For example, someone that needs to work on “taking-turns†may be in a group with someone that need to work on “losing.â€Â A person that needs to work on “sustaining conversation†may be in a group with a person that needs to work on “talking about topics that are not of strong interest to them.†These goals are complementary, in that they can be worked on using the same activities and similar strategies.
Are there children/teens that attend your group that do not have skills deficits? No. The goal of our groups is to work with children who need assistance building deficit areas. However, during our fieldtrips, participants are encouraged to bring siblings and peers, so that skills can be practiced among other children/teens who do not evidence deficits in social interaction abilities.
I noticed that your group has a parent (primary caregiver) component. I am not interested in this. Can I opt out? No. Our primary caregiver component is important in our program structure, and is mandatory. We find that involvement of members of a primary support system makes a huge difference in the progress of our children/teens. Social and positive behavior skills are based on social norms. Since careigvers are the experts on the culturally-appropriate social norms in their child’s environment, their participation is essential. Caregivers are given information on what their child is learning each week in group, and they are able to process and gain recommendations on how to manage behaviors and struggles faced outside of group sessions (e.g. home, school, places of worship). Additionally, caregivers come to the group with a vast amount of knowledge. We find that facilitating the sharing of this knowledge provides an environment for families that is rich in effective resources. Furthermore, it is our policy that caregivers remain on site while their child/teen is attending group. Having a group/resource opportunity for them, is a constructive alternative to sitting in a waiting room.
Does the same parent (primary caregiver) have to attend each session? No. The price includes up to two primary caregivers. Families may select who these individuals are, and whether or not they are attending sessions together or alternating based on family structure (e.g. work schedule, relationship status, etc.). If possible, it is recommended that the same person/people attend each session. It is helpful to have consistency in attendance, as many of the skills taught are built upon from week to week.
Butterfly Bootcamp
For general information and an overview of our program GO HERE.
I see your program has multiple service options. However, my family is only interested in one of the options (e.g. group, one-on-one). Do we have to go through the same assessment process? Yes. Prior to beginning our program, we complete an initial screening and behavioral assessment across settings with the child and caregivers. This process is designed for your family to learn more about our program and express their goals; as well as for our staff to examine your child’s abilities (strengths and challenges), to develop a customized treatment plan. Based on our clinical evaluation, our plan includes recommendations on how to accomplish the goals that are collaboratively determined. This can include one or more of our Butterfly Bootcamp service options, depending on the unique combination of your child’s strengths, challenges, and goals.
This sounds like a great program, what is my next step? If you are a private pay client, contact our office to schedule an initial screening for Butterfly Bootcamp, our behavioral services program. If there is a mutual agreement that our agency is a good fit for your family’s needs, we can continue with the comprehensive behavioral assessment to develop your child’s Butterfly Bootcamp Support Plan. If you would like to use insurance, you will want to contact your insurance company regarding coverage. If you are new to this process, you may call our office for some general information that may be helpful. We encourage you to speak with your insurance company in advance of meeting with us, in the event your plan requires preauthorization for services.
How soon can my child start? Our behavioral assessment is conducted across settings, with the completion time averaging 2-3 weeks, resulting from the need to coordinate multiple schedules (e.g. caregiver, teacher, child, clinician). Provided the child is a good fit and there is availability, individual and group interventions generally begin 1-2 weeks following the completion of the behavioral assessment.
If my child is “high-functioning,†does that mean this group will be a good fit? The ultimate goal of our program is to help our participants learn how to make and maintain positive interactions and relationships that are needed to be successful in all areas of life (i.e. school, home, community). While we do not establish and maintain friendships with everyone we meet, the same is true for our children. The initial assessment serves as an opportunity to determine appropriateness based on group structure. The first 3 sessions of our group serve as a good assessment for peer group dynamics. It is of upmost importance to us that children and teens are placed in groups where they can be successful. We maintain communication with families to determine if another group at our agency or an outside agency may be a more appropriate fit.
I am looking for a group where my child will get to interact with children with their same diagnosis. Is this the case with your group? Our groups are designed to place children and teens based on their age, ability, and social skills goals. As diagnoses present differently among individuals, we do not use this as a basis for group placement. There may be children with a psychological diagnosis and others with a medical condition, and still others with neither. The commonality in age, ability, interpersonal skills, and social goals, is what we use to place children and teens in groups.
My child has ______ (ADHD, social awkwardness, medical condition, etc.) and does not have an Autism Spectrum Disorder. All of the groups I find are for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Is this is the same with your agency? Our groups are for children and teens with skills deficits. We do not place individuals in groups based on diagnosis (see question above), but rather based on abilities and complementary Butterfly Bootcamp Plan goals. Therefore, our groups can have children with a variety of psychological and/or medical conditions. Members of our groups are considered “high-functioning.†They often have a unique struggle, in that many adults and peers do not understand “at first glance†that they have a problem. Therefore, others tend to place high and unattainable social expectations on them, causing frustration to both parties.
Do the children/teens in your groups all have the same program goals? No. Their goals do not have to be the same to be in the same group. However, if the goals are not the same, they are complimentary. For example, someone that needs to work on “taking-turns†may be in a group with someone that need to work on “losing.â€Â A person that needs to work on “sustaining conversation†may be in a group with a person that needs to work on “talking about topics that are not of strong interest to them.†These goals are complementary, in that they can be worked on using the same activities and similar strategies.
Are there children/teens that attend your group that do not have skills deficits? No. The goal of our groups is to work with children who need assistance building deficit areas. However, during our fieldtrips, participants are encouraged to bring siblings and peers, so that skills can be practiced among other children/teens who do not evidence deficits in social interaction abilities.
I noticed that your group has a parent (primary caregiver) component. I am not interested in this. Can I opt
out? No. Our primary caregiver component is important in our program structure, and is mandatory. We find that involvement of members of a primary support system makes a huge difference in the progress of our children/teens. Social and positive behavior skills are based on social norms. Since careigvers are the experts on the culturally-appropriate social norms in their child’s environment, their participation is essential. Caregivers are given information on what their child is learning each week in group, and they are able to process and gain recommendations on how to manage behaviors and struggles faced outside of group sessions (e.g. home, school, places of worship). Additionally, caregivers come to the group with a vast amount of knowledge. We find that facilitating the sharing of this knowledge provides an environment for families that is rich in effective resources. Furthermore, it is our policy that caregivers remain on site while their child/teen is attending group. Having a group/resource opportunity for them, is a constructive alternative to sitting in a waiting room.
Does the same parent (primary caregiver) have to attend each session? No. The price includes up to two primary caregivers. Families may select who these individuals are, and whether or not they are attending sessions together or alternating based on family structure (e.g. work schedule, relationship status, etc.). If possible, it is recommended that the same person/people attend each session. It is helpful to have consistency in attendance, as many of the skills taught are built upon from week to week.