Do you have great insurance coverage, and pay very little out of pocket? Are you filled with hope when you use your insurance, only to be crushed by an unexpected bill in the mail? Are you unsure if you have mental health insurance benefits? Do you fall somewhere in-between? We know that knowledge is power. If you are clear on what your insurance covers and what you are responsible for, it can reduce stress. After all, we are often trying to get mental health services to reduce our stress. Therefore, the process itself, should not create it.
Over the years we have increased our understanding of how to use mental health insurance benefits. We have learned the vast number of insurance companies, plan types, and benefit options make insurance coverage possibilities endless. We would love to tell potential clients exactly what services at our agency will cost if they use their insurance. However, the uniqueness of each individual’s coverage does not make this possible. Contacting your insurance company directly and speaking with a representative will ensure you clearly understand your coverage.
We know there are many people willing to put time and effort into understanding their coverage but are unsure where to start or what to ask. Therefore, we have taken the information we have learned over the years and developed an Insurance Information Guide for mental health services.
Where to Start and What to Ask
This Mental Health Insurance Coverage Guide will help you learn more about using your benefits for services at our agency, but the information applies everywhere! There are so many obstacles to receiving mental health services. If what we have learned can help remove a barrier for someone near or far, we want to help. We hope you find this to be a helpful tool to learn more about your mental health coverage.
If your mental health insurance is an HMO plan and you are having difficulty finding a provider, you may want to read our posts: What is a Network Exception and How to Request a Network Exception.
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Mental Health Insurance: A Tiny Bit Less Confused
Posted: April 6, 2024 · Leave a Comment
Do you have great insurance coverage, and pay very little out of pocket? Are you filled with hope when you use your insurance, only to be crushed by an unexpected bill in the mail? Are you unsure if you have mental health insurance benefits? Do you fall somewhere in-between? We know that knowledge is power. If you are clear on what your insurance covers and what you are responsible for, it can reduce stress. After all, we are often trying to get mental health services to reduce our stress. Therefore, the process itself, should not create it.
Over the years we have increased our understanding of how to use mental health insurance benefits. We have learned the vast number of insurance companies, plan types, and benefit options make insurance coverage possibilities endless. We would love to tell potential clients exactly what services at our agency will cost if they use their insurance. However, the uniqueness of each individual’s coverage does not make this possible. Contacting your insurance company directly and speaking with a representative will ensure you clearly understand your coverage.
We know there are many people willing to put time and effort into understanding their coverage but are unsure where to start or what to ask. Therefore, we have taken the information we have learned over the years and developed an Insurance Information Guide for mental health services.
Where to Start and What to Ask
This Mental Health Insurance Coverage Guide will help you learn more about using your benefits for services at our agency, but the information applies everywhere! There are so many obstacles to receiving mental health services. If what we have learned can help remove a barrier for someone near or far, we want to help. We hope you find this to be a helpful tool to learn more about your mental health coverage.
If your mental health insurance is an HMO plan and you are having difficulty finding a provider, you may want to read our posts: What is a Network Exception and How to Request a Network Exception.
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